Saturday, August 30, 2008


i have my Object Oriented Programming test last thursday... well it was so so so so so so damn suckssss................. i didnt finish the test... hey wht the hell having a programming test for only 1 and half hours............ huh.......................... dear lecturer......... u give 2 coding question + 10 objectives and u expect us to done it within those time... huhuhu... i feel like want to cry tht time... i love this subject.. and it really hurt i cant do the best for it... even Fikhri, one of the cleverest student in this subject can't make it...easy to say..not only him.. almost all of my friend didnt manage to complete it.... the most damn thing is the question tht i didnt manage to answer is the one tht i know well how to answer it........... huhu.. i swear.. it wont happen again... hey.. i want to maintain my pointer... it cannot happen again.. ciaooooooo.....


NadYa WalDorf

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